Spelling of a website is extremely important!

Spelling a website address (URL) incorrectly can easily lead to a malicious website.  Of course you may know how to spell the website address correctly, but one misstep or accidentally hitting the wrong key on the keyboard can lead to a malicious website.  The best advice is to always search for a website in a trusted search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) and navigate to the website that way.  Sure it may be one extra step, but it is safer.  Hackers are just waiting for someone to type googgle or goggle instead of google.  Likewise, hackers are just waiting for someone to type .com at the end of a .org website by mistake.  If you search for the website in a trusted search engine, you will have no doubt if it is a .org or .com website.  

If you want to save a step in the future or it is a website you visit regularly, navigate to the website through a trusted search engine as described above and create a bookmark to use the next time you need to visit the website.

If you want to read a story from a reliable source explaining more about the dangers of misspelling a website address with numerous examples, see https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/03/omitting-the-o-in-com-could-be-costly/.

At the end of the story there is a quote that states, "A report published in December 2009 by McAfee found that [.]cm was the riskiest domain in the world, with 36.7% of the sites posing a security risk to PCs."